Lord Vishnu, who created the all three universes (Three Loks). Lord Shri Hari incarnates in every era of mankind to defeat evils and demons to save all living beings from sufferings. It is believed by his devotees that worshiping him removes all life’s troubles and problems.
Every year Ekadashi and Thursdays of every week are revered as the most special days to worship Lord Vishnu. In such circumstances, chant the divine 108 names of Lord Vishnu (Vishnu Ashtothram) and his mantras on these days ornevery day to get his divine love. Chanting these holy names of Shri Hari brings happiness and prosperity in life.
List Of Auspicious 108 Names of Lord Vishnu

Lord Vishnu, The Supreme Deity of Hindu Religion (The Oldest Religion), He acknowledged as the preserver and guardian of the all three universes (Triloks).
The Sri Vishnu Ashtottara Shatanamavali, it is also known as the holy 108 Names of Lord Vishnu, is a sacred scripture detailing the diverse names and qualities of Lord Vishnu.
Chanting these divine names of Lord Shri Hari Vishnu is believed to brings numerous benefits happiness and prosperity and blessings to his devotees.
Related: The Names Of Srimati Radharani: Radha Krishna 108 Names
Lord Vishnu has over a thousand divine names, with 108 of them are listed here:
Sr.no | List Of 108 Names of Lord Vishnu With Definitions |
1 | Aum Vishnu Namah ‘Glory To All Prevailing Lord‘ |
2 | Aum Lakshmipataye Namah ‘Glory To The Lord of Consort of Goddess Lakshmi’ |
3 | Aum Krishnaye Namah ‘Glory To The Lord Who Is Dark-Complexioned Lord‘ |
4 | Aum Vaikunthaye Namah ‘Glory To The Lord , who’s Home is Vaikunth’ |
5 | Aum Garudadhwajaye Namah ‘Glory To The Lord Lord Vishnu, Who’s Name Is Garudadhwaj‘ |
6 | Aum Parabrahmanaye Namah ‘Glory To The Lord, Who is Supreme Absolute Truth’ |
7 | Aum Jagannathaye Namah ‘Glory To The Lord, Who Is Lord of the Universe‘ |
8 | Aum Vasudevaye Namah ‘Glory To The Lord, Who Is Indwelling God’ |
9 | Aum Trivikramaye Namah ‘Glory To The Lord Who Is Conqueror of All the Three Worlds’ |
10 | Aum Daityantakaye Namah ‘Glory To The Lord, Who Is Destroyer of Evils‘ |
11 | Aum Madhuraye Namah ‘Glory To The Lord Of Sweetness’ |
12 | Aum Taksharyavahanaye Namah ‘Glory To The Name of Lord Vishnu’s Carriage‘ |
13 | Aum Sanatanaye Namah ‘Glory To The The Eternal Lord‘ |
14 | Aum Narayanaye Namah ‘Glory To The Refuge of Everyone’ |
15 | Aum Padmanabhaye Namah ‘Glory To Lord Vishnu, Who has a Lotus Shaped Navel‘ |
16 | Aum Hrishikeshaye Namah ‘Glory to The Lord of All Senses‘ |
17 | Aum Sudha-Pradaya Namah |
18 | Aum Madhavaye Namah ‘Glory To Knowledge Filled God’ |
19 | Aum Pundari-kaksaye Namah ‘Glory To The Lotus Eyed Lord‘ |
20 | Aum Sthitikartaye Namah ‘Glory To name of Lord Vishnu’ |
21 | Aum Paratparaye Namah ‘Glory To The Greatest God amongst the greats‘ |
22 | Aum Vanamalaye Namah ‘Glory To, The One Who Wears a Garland of Forest Flowers’ |
23 | Aum shaktimataam-shresthah Namah ‘Glory To The Lord, Who is The best among the powerful‘ |
24 | Aum anantajit Namah ‘Glory To The Lord, Who is Ever-victorious’ |
25 | Aum Gadadharaye Namah ‘Glory To The Lord, Who Holds a Mace’ |
26 | Aum Upendraye Namah ‘Glory To The Lord, Who Is Brother of Indra’ |
27 | Aum Keshavaye Namah ‘Glory To The Lord, He Who has Beautiful Hairs’ |
28 | Aum Dharma-Yupaah Namah ‘Glory To The Post to which all dharm is tied’ |
29 | Aum Samudramanthanaye Namah |
30 | Aum Hari Namah ‘Glory To The Lord of Nature Of Earth’ |
31 | Aum Govindaye Namah ‘Glory To The Lord, Who Pleases the Cows and take care Of them’ |
32 | Aum Vardhamaanah Namah ‘Glory To The Lord, who can go into any dimension in the universe’ |
33 | Aum ahassamvartakah Namah ‘Glory To The Lord, who thrills the day’ |
34 | Aum Shridharye Namah ‘Glory To The Lord Vishnu, Who Is The Holder of Sri‘ |
35 | Aum shubhaangah Namah ‘Glory To The Lord, Who has enchanting limbs’ |
36 | Aum Padam-Anuttamam Namah ‘Glory To The Lord, Who is perfect state of perfection’ |
37 | Aum Chaturbhujaye Namah ‘Glory To Lord Vishnu who has arms’ |
38 | Aum Panchajanyadharaye Namah |
39 | Aum Shrimataye Namah ‘Glory To The Lord, Who’s name is Lord Vishnu’ |
40 | Aum Padmanaabhah Namah ‘Glory To The Lord Vishnu, whose navel is like a lotus’ |
41 | Aum Janardhanaye Namah ‘Glory To The Lord, Who Helps All Needy People’ |
42 | Aum Pitambaradharaye Namah ‘Glory To The Lord, Lord Vishnu loves yellow colour and clothes’ |
43 | Aum Devaye Namah ‘Glory To The Lord Vishnu, Who is Divine’ |
44 | Aum Shareera-Bhootabhritiye Namah ‘Glory To The Lord, who nourishes the nature’ |
45 | Aum Matsyadevaye Namah Lord Matsya – An Incarnation of Lord Vishnu |
46 | Aum Amitavikramahya Namah ‘Glory To The Lord, Who has immeasurable prowess’ |
47 | Aum aadityah Namah ‘Glory To The Lord, Who is the Son of Aditi’ |
48 | Aum Nrikesaraye Namah ‘Glory To The, The Fourth Incarnation of Lord Vishnu’ |
49 | Aum Vamanaye Namah ‘Glory To The the Dwarf Incarnation of shri Lord Vishnu‘ |
50 | Aum Aniruddhaya Namah ‘Glory To The Lord, who cannot be obstructed’ |
51 | Aum Ramaya Namah ‘Glory to the Lord seventh Incarnation of Lord Shri Hari‘ |
52 | Aum Bali Namah ‘Glory to the Lord Vishnu, Who is the Lord of Strength’ |
53 | Aum Kalki Namah ‘Glory to the another Incarnation of Lord Vishnu who will appear in Kaliyug’ |
54 | Aum araudrah Namah ‘Glory to the Lord Vishnu, who has no emotions‘ |
55 | Aum savitaa Namah ‘Glory to the Lord who brings all the universes from himself’ |
56 | Aum yogeeshah Namah ‘Glory to the Lord Vishnu, Who is the king of yogis’ |
57 | Aum Shrikar Namah ‘Glory to the Lord, Who Gives Shree’ |
58 | Aum Kapila Namah ‘Glory to the Great Sage Kapila’ |
59 | Aum Dhruva Namah ‘Glory to the Lord, He is Changeless’ |
60 | Aum Dattareya Namah ‘Glory to the Grand Teacher (Guru) of all three Universe’ |
61 | Aum Achyuta Namah ‘Glory to the Infallible Lord’ |
62 | Aum Ananta Namah ‘Glory to The Endless form of Lord Vishnu’ |
63 | Aum Mukunda Namah ‘Glory to the Lord, He is giver of Liberation’ |
64 | Aum Madhu-Sudanahaya Namah ‘Glory to the Lord Vishnu, Who is Destroyer of the Madhu evil demon’ |
65 | Aum Dhanvantari Namah ‘Glory to the Lord Dhanvantari, A Partial Incarnation of Lord Vishnu’ |
66 | Aum Shrinivasa Namah ‘Glory to the Lord Vishnu, Who is Permanent Abode of Shree’ |
67 | Aum Pradyumna Namah ‘Glory to the Lord Vishnu, Who is Rich’ |
68 | Aum Purshottama Namah ‘Glory to the Lord Vishnu, Who is the Supreme Soul’ |
69 | Aum Prajaa-Bhavhaya Namah ‘Glory to the Lord Vishnu, All praja comes from him’ |
70 | Aum Vasumanahya Namah ‘Glory to the Lord Vishnu, Who is pure’ |
71 | Aum Adhokshaja Namah ‘Glory to the Lord Vishnu, He never flows Downwards’ |
72 | Aum Rishabhaya Namah ‘Glory to the Lord Rishabha, an Incarnation of Lord Vishnu’ |
73 | Aum Mohiniroopadhari Namah ‘Glory to the Goddess Mohini, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu’ |
74 | Aum svastikrit Namah ‘Glory to the Lord Vishnu, who robs all auspiciousness and consciousness’ |
75 | Aum svasti Namah ‘Glory to the Lord Vishnu, who is the source of all auspiciousness and consciousness’ |
76 | Aum pundareekaakshah Namah ‘Glory to the Lord Vishnu, Who dwells in the heart of all living being’ |
77 | Aum Bhutatma Namah ‘Glory to the Lord Bhutatma, A divine name of Lord Vishnu’ |
78 | Aum Aniruddha Namah ‘Glory to the Lord Vishnu, who cannot be obstructed’ |
79 | Aum Bhaktvatsala Namah ‘Glory to the Lord Vishnu Who Loves his devotees’ |
80 | Aum Nara Namah ‘Glory to the Lord, Who is the Guide’ |
81 | Aum Gajendravarada Namah ‘Glory to the Lord Vishnu, Who Gave a Benediction to Gajendar (Elephant)‘ |
82 | Aum Tushtah Namah ‘Glory to the Lord Vishnu, who is impressed by very simple offering’ |
83 | Aum Shaktimataam-Shresthah Namah ‘Glory to the Lord Vishnu, The best among the all the powerfuls’ |
84 | Aum santah Namah ‘Glory to the Lord Vishnu, Who is pure saintly men’ |
85 | Aum Shatrughnah Namah ‘Glory to the Lord Vishnu, Who is the destroyer of enemies and evil energies’ |
86 | Aum Bhagavata Namah ‘Glory to the Lord Vishnu, Who is Pertaining to Lord’ |
87 | Aum Vishva-dakshinah Namah ‘Glory to the Lord who is most skilful and efficient’ |
88 | Aum Anirvinnah Namah ‘Glory to the Lord Vishnu who has no discontent’ |
89 | Aum Naikakarmakrit Namah ‘Glory to the Lord, who does every work of universe‘ |
90 | Aum Vedatmana Namah ‘All Vedas and Granths rests in Lord Vishnu’ |
91 | Aum Satyaya Namah ‘Glory to the Lord, who is the truth’ |
92 | Aum Jyotiraadityah Namah ‘Glory to the Lord, Who shines like sun’ |
93 | Aum samah Namah ‘Glory to the Lord, Who is Calm’ |
94 | Aum lakshmeevaan Namah ‘Glory to the Lord Vishnu who is consort of Laksmi’ |
95 | Aum Vibhava Namah ‘Glory to the Lord of Glory & Richness‘ |
96 | Aum Ghanshyama Namah ‘Glory to the Lord Krishna, Incarnation of Lord Vishnu‘ |
97 | Aum Bahu-Shiraah Namah ‘Glory to the Lord, who has many heads’ |
98 | Aum Avyaya Namah ‘Glory to the Lord, Who is without destruction’ |
99 | Aum Buddhavatara Namah ‘Glory to the Lord Buddha, Who is Incarnation of Lord Vishnu‘ |
100 | Aum Sarvavid-Bhaanuh Namah ‘Glory to the Lord, Who is All-knowing and effulgent’ |
101 | Aum Chaturaatmaaya Namah ‘Glory to the Lord, Who is four-fold self‘ |
102 | Aum Damodara Namah ‘Glory to the Lord, Who has a stomach marked with three lines’ |
103 | Aum Dhritaatmaaya Namah ‘Glory to the Lord Vishnu, Who is established in Himself’ |
104 | Aum Bhootabhavyabhavatprabha Namah |
105 | Aum Adideva Namah ‘Glory to the Lord, Who is the God of the Gods‘ |
106 | Aum Devadeva Namah ‘Glory to the Lord, Who is the God of the Gods‘ |
107 | Aum Shreemaan Namah ‘Glory to the Lord, who is courted by glories’ |
108 | Aum Shrimahavishnu Namah ‘Glory To The Name of Lord Vishnu‘ |
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