108 Names of Narasimha: Names of Narasihma

Before we get into 108 Names of Narasimha, Lord Narashimha, He is one of Maha Vishnu’s tenth Dasavatars, or we can say the holy incarnation is Lord Narasimha, the angry Hindu god of protection. In order to protect his one of his great disciple Prahlad from the demon ruler Hiranyakashipu also the father of Prahlad, Maha Vishnu came in this form.

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108 Names of Narasimha

Worshiping of Lord Shir Narasimha is common among adherents of Vaishnavism ( Part Of Hinduism), the branch of Hindu philosophy that regards Maha Vishnu as the ultimate God. Although there are many temples dedicated to Lord Narasimha around India and the world, this location is the center of his veneration.

List Of Auspicious 108 Names of Narasimha

Sr.no108 Names of Narasimha and Meanings
1Aum Narashimhaaya Namaha
          ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, who is half-man half-lion Lord’
2Aum Mahasiimhaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, Who is the great lion’
3Aum Divya-Simhaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, Who is in the form of the Divine lion’
4 Aum Maha-Baalaya Namaha
        ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is greatly powerful’
5Aum Ugraa-Simhaaya Namaha
          ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, Obeisances to the angry terrifying lion
6Aum Mahaa-Devaaya Namaha
   ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is Lord of lords’
7Aum Stambhaa-Jaa-Aya Namaha
          ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is the one who appeared from the pillar’
8Aum Ugraa-Lokaanaya Namaha
       ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He possesses terrifying eyes’
9 Aum Raudrraaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is the angry one’
10Aum Sarvaad-Bhootaya Namaha
        ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is the one who is wonderful in every way’
11Aum Shri-Manaaya Namaha
     ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is the most beautiful’
12Aum Yoga-Nandaaya Namaha
         ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is the source of yogic bliss’
13Aum Trivikrramaaya Namaha
          ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is Lord Vamana’
14Aum Harinye Namaha
     ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is Sri Hari Who takes our problems away’
15Aum Kolaa-Halaya Namaha
          ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, In the form of lion he is the roaring’
16Aum Cakrine Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He carries the disk’
17Aum Vijayaaya Namaha
  ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, Who is always victorious’
18Aum Jayaa-Vardhanaaya Namaha
         ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He has ever increasing glories’
19Aum Panchaananaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is five-headed’
20Aum Param-Bhramma-Aya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is Supreme Absolute Truth’
21Aum Aghoraaya Namaha
          ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He’s not horrible for his’
22Aum Ghora-Vikrramaaya Namaha
         ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He has terrifying activities’
23Aum Javalan-Mukhaaya Namaha
        ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He has an effulgent face’
24Aum Javala-Malinye Namaha
        ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He has effulgent garland of flames’
25Aum Maha-Jvalaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is the one who is most effulgent’
26Aum Maha-Prabhoohaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is the Supreme Master’
27Aum Niti-Laksaaya Namaha
       ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is Who possesses all good’
28Aum Sahas-Rakshaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is the thousand-eyed One’
29Aum Durni-Riksyaya Namaha
        ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is difficult to see’
30Aum Pratappanaaya Namaha
     ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is the one who oppresses His enemies with great heat’
31Aum Maha-Damstraaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He possesses huge teeth’
32Aum Yuddha-Prajnaaya Namaha
       ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is Supremely intelligent in battle’
33Aum Canda-Kopinye Namaha
    ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is the one who is likened to an angry moon’
34Aum Sada-Shivaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is All auspicious Lord’
35Aum Heeranya-Kasipu-Dhvamsine Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is the one who destroys Hiranyakasiyap’
36Aum Daityaa-Danava-Bhanjanaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He destroys the masses of the race of demons’
37Aum Guna-Bhadraaya Namaha
  ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, Who is full of wonderful qualities’
38Aum Mahaa-Bhadraaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is very auspicious’
39Aum Bala-Bhadraaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is auspiciously powerful’
40 Aum Subhaadrakaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is extremely auspicious One’
41Aum Karalaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He possesses a wide open mouth’
42Aum Veekaralaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He has very wide open mouth’
43Aum Vikarttaaya Namaha
     ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He performs wonderful activities’
44Aum Sarvaa-Kartrikaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He performs ALL activities’
45Aum Sisu-Maraaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He also appears as Matsya’
46Aum Trilok-Atmaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is the Soul of the three worlds’
47Aum Isaaya Namaha
      ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is the Lord known as the controller’
48Aum Sarves-Varaya Namaha
         ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is supreme controller’
49Aum Vibhooaya Namaha
       ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is the BEST’
50Aum Bhaivaradm-Baraya Namaha
         ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, Who causes terror by roaring in the sky’
51Aum Divyaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He Divine Person Narasimha’
52Aum Achyutaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is infallible Lord Nara-simha’
53Aum Kavinye Namaha
   ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is Supreme intelligent’
54Aum Madh-Avaaya Namaha
      ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is the husband of Goddess Srimati Laksmi devi’
55Aum Adhok-Sajaaya Namaha
        ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He beyond understanding’
56Aum Aksaraaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is infallible One’
57Aum Sarvaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is origin of everything’
58Aum Vana-Malinye Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He wears garland of forest flowers’
59Aum Vara-Pradaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He grants boons to the deserving like Prahlad’
60Aum Wisvambaaraya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He maintains the universe’
61 Aum Adbhutaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is wonderful’
62Aum Bhavyaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He determines the future’
63Aum Sri-Wisnavye Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is the all pervading Lord Vishnu’
64Aum Poorusottaamaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is the Supreme Enjoyer’
65Aum Anaghaastrya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He can never be wounded by weapons’
66Aum Nakhasttraya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He has sharp nails for weapons’
67Aum Suryaa-Jyotinye Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is the source of Suns rays’
68Aum Sures-Varaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is Narasimhadev, Lord of devatas’
69Aum Sahaasra-Bahu-Aya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is Nara-hari the thousand-armed Lord’
70Aum Sarvaa-Janaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is the all-knowing’
71Aum Sarvaa-Siddhi-Pradayakaaya Namaha
         ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He awards all perfections to the sadhakas’
72Aum Vajraa-Damstraaya Namaha
         ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He has teeths like lightning bolts’
73Aum Vajraa-Nakhaaya Namaha
        ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He possesses nails like piercing lightning bolts’
74Aum Maha-Nandaaya Namaha
   ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is source of supreme bliss – Atmananda – Narasimha’
75Aum Param-Tapaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is the source of All austerities, spiritual energy’
76Aum Sarvaa-Mantraikya-Roopa Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He appears as the many mantrika formulas’
77 Aum Sarvaa-Yantraa-Vidaraamaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He destroys all machines (vehicles for demoniac works)
78Aum Sarvaa-Tanttratmakaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is essence of, and proprioter of all tanttrs’
79Aum Avyaktaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He appears unmanifest’
80Aum Suvyakttaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is Nara-simha for his devotees becomes wonderfully manifest from the pillar’
81Aum Bhakta-Vatsalya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He always has the well-being of His devotee at heart’
82Aum Vaisakhaa-Sukla-Bhoatotthaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He appeared during waxing moon of the month of Visakha’
83Aum Saranagata-Vatsalaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is the Lord Who is kind to those surrendered to Him’
84 Aum Udaraa-Kirtinye Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is universally famous’
85Aum Poonyatmaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is the essence of piety’
86Aum Mahattmaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He has great personality, Nara-simha’
87Aum Chandra-Vikramaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is the performer of moonlike or great deeds’
88Aum Vedattraayaya Namaha
   ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is three original Vedas (RgYajurSam Ved)
89Aum Prapoojyaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is supremely worshipable’
90Aum Bhagawanaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead’
91Aum Param-Ishvaraaya Namaha
       ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is the Supreme Controller’
92Aum Srivattsamkaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is just like Krishna, being marked with symbol of Laksmi’
93Aum Jagat-Vyaapinye Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He pervades the entire universe’
94Aum Jagan-Mayaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is Mystic Who makes the material world seem real’
95Aum Jagat-Palaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is the protector of the universe’
96 Aum Jagan-Nathaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, His the Lord of Universe’
97Aum Maha-Khagaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He moves in the air or with the movement of the air’
98Aum Devi-Roopa-Bhrtaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He has double form’
99Aum Paramaatmaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is the Supersoul of All beings’
100Aum Param-Jyotinye Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, His effulgence is the source of Brahman’
101Aum Nirgoonaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He possesses transcendental qualities’
102Aum Nrikesarinye Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is man-lion (having a lion’s mane while appearing part human)
103Aum Para-Tattvaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is Supreme Absolute Trut’
104Aum Param-Dhamaaya Namaha
  ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He comes from the Supreme Abode’
105Aum Sac-Cid-Ananda-Vigrahaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, His form is made of eternal knowledge and bliss’
106Aum Lakshmi-Narsimhaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He has Man-Lion Form together with the Supreme Goddess of Fortune Goddess Srimati Laksmi’
107Aum Sarva-Atmaaya Namaha
 ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha, He is universal, primeval soul’
108Aum Dhiraaya Namaha
  ‘Glory to the Lord Narasimha,  He is always sober’
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Hi, This is Baba Ramdass, a devoted spiritual guide and blogger, sharing profound insights on faith and selfless service. My writings inspire readers to deepen my spiritual journey and embrace devotion, offering guidance and wisdom through my dedicated online presence with this blog website.

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